
Wish Granted.

Whether you know me or not, you’ve come to the right place to find out more.

This site is an anthology-journal by Erik Stone.

Everything on my site is normal, common, very safe, and totally safe for sex work (TSFSW), which is another way of saying NSFW, but like, in the opposite way.

This is the kind of site that almost no one reads, but it will be a piece of history, like every #tweet you’ve ever written, and every word I write here.

From Erik’s Links, you can check out websites that I think are awesome, and see websites that include Erik Stone, which is me, Erik Stone.  It’s an SEO thing . . . omg don’t kill me Google for saying that!  They may fuck me up.

If you have any questions. click  here.

Live, or die trying,

– Erik Stone

About Erik

If you found this place, then you probably met me or one of the 25, or so, other Erik Stone’s in the USA.

Let me know if you find anything interesting.

-Erik Stone

Erik’s Adventures

Love Story

So, I saw this movie from 1970, that was recommended to me. It’s called “Love Story.” Clearly, there were people in my family that this movie shaped. Not only that, but I knew a Russian girl that sang me the theme song from this film, in Africa and I thought it was a Russian song. …

Like Tears in Rain

Sometimes there just aren’t enough tears you can shed. You get tired of crying. Tired of caring. Death becomes us, always, so what is it that we are supposed to learn? I’ve seen and heard so many stories. More stories than my ancestors. I’ve learned so much about this universe. Here I am, writing on …

Erik’s Links

Companies and Products


Snowboard the street.  Forget long-board skateboarding, Freebord.


The best privacy that you are going to get in the USA.

Awesome Links


This is what I used to learn HTML, and what I use for HTML reference


Well, you know, Ai and all is pretty cool.

A Little Humility at the Crossroads

A little humility on climate change from Wesley Pruden

Why Men Rape

A rational view of why men “rape,” in case you didn’t know.


Pretty self explanatory.


A little dose of reality to bring you back to it, or to it for the first time.  (After more than a decade, the creator has moved on.)

Thomas Sowell

The best modern Economist alive today.  Beware, a dose of reading Thomas Sowell, may leave you highly rational, educated, and knowledgeable, which is highly attacked in Academia, as it always has been.

Pretty Good Links

Native Camels of North America

An explanation of phony, invasive species “science.”  In the Cayman Islands, they love killing green iguanas and lionfish.  In Australia, it’s the crown of thorns starfish they love to kill.

News Article about Atlas Shrugged

How Atlas Shrugged predicts a contemporary collapse of America.  Welcome to it.

Versed Busters

Information on the drug Versed.  Drugs that are pushed on anyone, are probably bad, mostly.

Beware Some Psychologists

An article that describes exactly why you should be diligent in finding the right psychologist, or none at all.

Pregnancy Due Dates

Good information on pregnancy due dates.

What Happens to Children that Nobody Wants?

A great read if you want to depress yourself and/or a dose of reality.

Alternative Considerations of Jonestown & Peoples Temple

It wasn’t Kool Aid that killed those people.

The Nanking Massacre

A view of war.

50 Reasons to Oppose Flouridation

Yeah, the toxic waste that you are drinking . . . . is toxic.