Words change meanings over time and a nigger today, is not the nigger of yesterday.
Today, a nigger is a person who gets offended when you say the word “nigger,” in any context. Many niggers even use the term “nigger,” and say it frequently, but all niggers get angry when others use the term “nigger,” whether they themselves use “nigger” or not.
Typically, niggers get very angry, offended, and call you a racist if you say the word, “nigger.” If you are unlucky or famous, they will yell at you or try to physically attack you. It is best to avoid niggers as much as possible, for safety reasons.
Someone who says, “What’s up my nigger,” or “What’s up my nigga,” are not always niggers, so don’t assume that because someone uses the word “nigger,” that they are a nigger. Although some that use the word “nigger,” are niggers.
Niggers always have a sense of entitlement. They believe that they are better than you. They believe that they know more than you, and that they are more moral than you. They are dictators.
This sums up the modern meaning of “nigger” in America, today. If you have had any recent experience with niggers in their native environment, like government, education, healthcare, or public transportation, please comment and tell us about your experience.